Posted Thursday, June 21, 2018 4:36 pm
PITTSFIELD—The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, known locally as Guardian Berkshire Life, has awarded grants totaling $111,000 to 13 local non-profit organizations in support of programs focusing primarily on low-income and low-asset Berkshire County families and individuals.This year’s recipients include: the bridge to economic self-sufficiency program at Berkshire Children and Families; the micro-loan program at Berkshire Community Action Council; the youth works summer employment program at Berkshire County Regional Employment Board; building for tomorrow and volunteers in tax assistance programs at Central Berkshire Habitat for Humanity; career pathways in the construction trades at Construct Inc,; money school program at Elizabeth Freeman Center; and the portable dental care unit at Hillcrest Educational Centers.The others who received funding include: the financial program in Pittsfield schools by Junior Achievement of Western Massachusetts; Berkshire business interns program at Lever Inc.; Berkshire environmental literacy program at Mass. Audubon Society; career fairs for eighth and 10th grade students at the MCLA Foundation; money matter financial literacy workshop at Miss Hall’s School; and the health and wellness program at The Christian Center in Pittsfield.